Why are long and thick eyelashes considered beautiful? Perhaps because they are a natural protection of the eye from dust and pollution. But humanity romantically calls a woman's gaze mysterious, and eyelashes add attractiveness to a girlish face. Modern cosmetology offers such a procedure as eyelash extension. A good master will do it so that the face looks natural. The choice of quality materials and tools in the VSB.STORE online store will make the procedure safe for health.
Sale of materials for eyelash extension
At first glance, the eyelash extension procedure seems simple. But this painstaking work requires a professional approach. A highly skilled technician will never skimp on the quality of materials. The VSB.STORE website offers a wide range of products for eyelash extensions. You can also buy high-quality glue inexpensively here. It is the main component of attaching artificial eyelashes.
Women who have been deprived of long and dark eyelashes by nature or genetics have the opportunity to remedy the situation. A 2-hour procedure will give them a mysterious look, confidence, and charm. Professionals distinguish several options for placement, which forms the types of eyelids:
It is fashionable to add multi-coloured hairs of very bright shades. Young girls can afford it.
Artificial eyelashes are made of high-quality synthetic materials. The eye is a very sensitive organ to infections and allergies. Therefore, natural materials are unacceptable here. Among themselves, masters call such monofibre "mink", "sable" or "silk", depending on the thickness of the artificial hair. These fibres have a significant bend, which makes the eyelashes perfectly curved.
So why should you order eyelash extension products here?
Such a sensual procedure requires a specially equipped place and tools. Masters use different tools to make the extension easy for the client. First of all, these should be high-quality products. Such products can be ordered at VSB.STORE. For eyelash extensions, a lash technician will need the following materials:
If desired, you can attach 2 or even 3 artificial lashes to your lash. Then the eyelashes will become thick.
All consumables and equipment can be ordered by lash technicians at a profit on the VSB.STORE website. For bulk orders, the store offers a significant discount. Delivery of goods throughout Europe is provided. We supply products from China directly, so our prices will pleasantly surprise you.